Free Thematic Analysis Software: Top Picks

Free Thematic Analysis Software is highly relevant in qualitative research, as it helps to analyse large numbers of texts and identify patterns. However, as the data increases, so does the effort that is required to go through all of these. Fortunately, this challenge is being solved by AI with different and faster methods to identify valuable information.

Do you know that 77.1% of UX Researchers now utilize AI? This demonstrates just how significant the trend towards AI-based research is.
What, then, drives this AI approach to thematic analysis? But what are some of the best free resources these researchers should use to harness this new technology? Here are some questions to consider: Let us discuss them.

Key Takeaways

  • Thematic analysis has recently emerged as a popular approach to analyzing large datasets in qualitative studies.
  • This process of manually analyzing qualitative data is very tedious, time-consuming, and highly susceptible to high levels of human error.
  • Thematic analysis tools include utilizing natural language processing and machine learning algorithms for flow automation of the systematic procedure.
  • There are several programs available in the public domain for conducting thematic analysis.
  • It shows that transforming organizational data and making decisions about it can be helpful for businesses as well as using thematic analysis software.

What is Thematic Analysis?

One way of identifying the patterns and themes within data is through the use of thematic analysis. It is applied to various kinds of information such as interviews, focus groups, and surveys. This method helps find important insights/information by looking closely at the data for common themes.

The steps in thematic analysis include:

  1. Familiarization: Getting to know the data well.
  2. Coding: Giving labels to parts of the data that stand out.
  3. Theme Identification: Putting similar codes together to find big themes.
  4. Theme Review: Make sure the themes match the data.
  5. Theme Definition: Naming the main themes found in the data.
  6. Reporting: Sharing the results clearly, using examples or quotes.

More people are doing thematic analysis now because there is so much data, for instance from social networks. It is applied by researchers with the help of AI tools to discover solutions in a large amount of data.

“Thematic analysis is a powerful tool for understanding patterns across qualitative data, allowing researchers to gain deep insights into people’s experiences, opinions, and behaviours.” – Dr. Sarah Johnson, Research Analyst

It helps to discover critical patterns in a data set. It is widely applied in many areas including clinical psychology and market research. It helps us on topics that we may not fully grasp.

When to Use Thematic Analysis

Thematic analysis is one of the significant techniques used in several sectors such as social sciences, psychology, health care, UX and market research. We can gather a lot of qualitative data from online sources such as social media platforms and blogs and therefore its use is increasingly becoming popular.
When there is more data collected, thematic analysis and AI are employed to interpret data by researchers. The thematic analysis enables the identification of themes and patterns in data. It provides a clear path to understanding complex topics.

thematic analysis software
  • ATLAS.ti is considered to be one of the most effective tools for the analysis of qualitative data. As mentioned before, it supports numerous classes of data such as text, voice, video, and additional types of data.
  • Researchers use ATLAS.ti to tag data with codes that show themes or patterns. The software aids in reconciling similar codes and categorizing them.
  • ATLAS.ti has tools like Network View and Code Co-Occurrence Analysis. These assist in displaying relationships between codes and themes and unveil more information.

Thematic analysis in surveys is commonly applied in market research. NLP technologies can assist in storing and searching themes using code effectively with an advanced level of precision.

Thematic Analysis TechniqueKey Characteristics
Reflexive Thematic Analysis (TA)Created by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke in 2006, it’s a six-step process. Steps include getting to know the data, making initial codes, and finding themes.
Automated Thematic AnalysisUses NLP tech for quick topic detection. It’s great for analyzing lots of qualitative data fast.

In short, thematic analysis is an effective approach that is widely applied in numerous fields. It is on the rise due to increased data and advancements in technologies such as AI/NLP trends. Many academics consider it crucial when seeking to uncover intricate patterns in datasets.

Best Free Thematic Analysis Software

Apart from the commercially available software such as NVivo and ATLAS. ti, there are other free and open-source thematic analysis tools. undefined These tools are especially beneficial to researchers, analysts, and those who can spare little money. They can be used to perform thematic analysis at a relatively low cost.

Loop panel

Looppanel is an open-source coding platform that makes thematic analysis easy. For example, you might import your interview transcripts and begin coding to identify significant themes. Some features of it include cross-case analysis and group work which is perfect for group assignments.


Thematic analysis can be assisted by ChatGPT, an AI chatbot developed by OpenAI and currently available for free. It can quickly provide summaries for large data sets and identify trends. However, it is essential to be cautious with the answers provided by it since it may make occasional errors. is another AI tool in the list of AI-based applications that can be used for thematic analysis. It provides the sum of numbers and less complex data and identifies important topics. Similar to dealing with ChatGPT, always cross-check its answers to ascertain whether they are correct or not.

While these programs are far from perfect as compared to their paid counterparts, they can still prove to be quite handy. They are ideal for those with limited funds or who prefer fewer features than NVivo.

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Conclusion free thematic analysis software

Thematic analysis is one of the best approaches for searching patterns within qualitative data. This means it is easy to use today thanks to free and open-source software available. It can be pursued by researchers in various fields of study.

AI tools include Speak which received a rating of 4. 9 on G2 and supports over 100 languages making the process faster and easier. They assist in the conservation of time and energy. At the same time, they help maintain the points of truth accurately and timely.

Selecting the right software is critical. ATLAS.ti or NVivo if you want to do a more qualitative analysis or with ChatGPT or for detailed analysis. The idea is to integrate technology assistance with human know-how for maximum effectiveness.

Some other free and open-source tools include Dedoose, QDA Miner Lite, and Gephi. Both provide specific characteristics to aid your analysis. Consider what you want to achieve from the tool such as coding, annotation, or data visualization when selecting the right one.

These tools can be utilized to obtain relevant findings from large sets of information. This can help to come up with better decisions in your field. Therefore, consider these free, open-source tools that will help you unleash the potential of your qualitative results.

FAQs free thematic analysis software

What is thematic analysis?

Thematic analysis is a procedure of identifying patterns in qualitative data. They can apply it to various forms of information such as interviews, focus groups, and even questionnaires. This method aids researchers in comprehending and making sense of large amounts of data.

When should I use thematic analysis?

Utilize thematic analysis in areas like social sciences, psychology, and health services. It is also helpful for UX research and market research. It is becoming even more popular due to the availability of online information from social networks and blogs.

What are the best free thematic analysis software options?

Some of the free thematic analysis tools include Looppanel, ChatGPT, and Claude. Ai. These are good for people who cannot afford software like NVivo or ATLAS.ti.

How can AI tools help with thematic analysis?

Such AI tools as ChatGPT, can condense information and search for important patterns. But they should be used wisely. They could be wrong or post fake data.

What are the typical steps in thematic analysis?

The steps of thematic analysis include familiarizing with data, identifying codes or themes, and developing these themes. This process of back-and-forth allows you to refine the definitions of your themes over several rounds.